img_2854.jpgThe toys on the picture are bakugan. Bakugan are toys that you battle with. Every pack you get cames with three,six or one bakugan and some cards. You can battle with the cards and bakugan you get. You can get different colors these are the colors red, black , blue, green , brown and white. You can pick one color to collect or a bunch of different colors to collect. Look at the two dragons on the picture the one on the left is a regular dragon the one on the left is an evolved form of the regular dragon You can tell by the silver on it’s body. The one on top is an evolved form of some bakugan but I do not know wich one. Some bakugan are very rare like the evolved forms the dragon on the left is rare and on the bottom in the middle is rare it’s name is reaper. You can by bakugan at toys r us and target.

4 responses to “WHAT ARE BAKUGAN?

  1. cool bakugan picture dude hey email me omarnegron@hotmail.com

  2. Very nice blog, we love the new bakugan game in germany, too

  3. the one u donot know what it evolved fro, it evolved from a hydranoid

  4. tous les cartes de pokemon.
    tous les bakugan.
    tous les cartes de chaotic.

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